Thursday, 28 May 2020

When weight loss is a concern? Weight Loss Secrets

When weight loss is a concern?

Well, that's the most obvious question among the people being obese or overweight. Being concerned about weight loss or start realizing the urgency for weight loss is something that differs from individual to individuals as it is determined by various factors. 

As weight loss is extremely required when you are excessively overweight. That is the alarming clock for you to be concerned about weight loss and thus make yourself indulge in all the possible weight loss activities. 

Symptoms of being overweight 

When you start getting difficulties while performing day to day small activities like facing breathing difficulty while using the staircase or walking. Like, some people with excessive body fat and weight aren't able to walk properly for even 1km. 

So, if you are facing all those difficulties then it is nothing but a great welcome for various chronic health problems like type 2 diabetes, increased LDL Cholesterol levels, arthritis, and many more. 

People are often insisted or guided by many health care professionals and most of the health care professionals use the term "lifestyle change" extremely frequently. 

What is the correct approach for weight loss? 

Like, as I said that the term "lifestyle change" is used most frequently by many health care professionals but in my opinion, the term "lifestyle change" wouldn't be appropriate as it directly means to say that his whole life was a "joke" and for many beginners who are getting into weight loss journey will seem to be more impractical and thus it might demotivate them to be consistent instead we should be using the term "little healthy lifestyle modifications in your existing lifestyle pattern". 

Now when we use this positive term, physiologically it becomes more practical things to be implemented and many people can be consistent towards their goals as now they aren't asked to change their whole lifestyle pattern instead they are just asked to do little healthy modification in their existing lifestyle pattern. 

What are the beginning lifestyle modifications you should do? 

If you are just beginning your weight loss journey then first of all don't panic or too obsessed about being overweight. It is a new journey that actually should be more exciting and fun. You'll be getting more information about your body like your body's reaction to certain food or nutrients. 

Just analyze your lifestyle pattern and find out what are things which will hamper your weight loss journey and once you sorted out all those just start avoiding those activities that you were indulging in. 

Like, if you were having four donuts a day then start having two donuts a day and gradually decrease the donuts consumption and every single unhealthy habit you were indulging in. 

Just, don't be panic instead be more practical as a weight loss journey may take a year or two. So, you can't make yourself extremely restrictive unless you are a competitive athlete. 

So, make sure you enjoy the whole weight process so that you can be a great inspiration to many peoples. 

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Can weight loss cause back pain?

Absolutely not! Weight loss doesn't cause you back pain instead it will make your joints relief from that extra body weight. 

However, it may cause you back pain only if exercises are performed in a wrong manner i.e. "inappropriate form" in case you are indulging in a weight training form of exercise. 

If you are doing weight training then make sure you are having correct information about exercises and most importantly it's an appropriate way of performing or else hire a certified fitness coach for you. 

A certified fitness coach will guide you with all the possible precautions and measures that are to be taken to meet your fitness goals. 

Are weight loss pills dangerous?

First of all, let me clarify that "there is no such magic weight loss pills". Weight loss is done with consistent discipline through creating a "caloric deficit". 

Unfortunately, people often get confused with dietary supplements protein shake. 

To know about Protein Shake, click in MAGIC

Most of the weight loss or fat burners contain black coffee and green tea extract and they sell you that in more price which is a waste of money. 

Instead of looking for any weight loss pills, you can add green tea to any of your snacks and you can also add black coffee before the workout and trust me adding these two in a combination of good exercise, caloric deficit and proper sleep will speed up your results. 

To know about Coffee, click in MAGIC

I would not suggest you to make any purchase for any weight pills as it might get you some sort of harm instead of benefitting you. 

In many studies, weight loss pills don't prove to be the most appropriate method of losing weight. 
If you want to know more weight loss pills then do allow us to know in the comment section below. 

How weight loss changes your face? 

People are often obsessed with their face fat and confuse themselves with the reality of spot reduction.  Weight loss changes your face through deducting your face fat and thus it gives your face a more attractive look. 

Usually, when people adopt some quality healthy eating habits their overall structure improves including face as well and thus it makes them more attractive. 

Is weight loss a symptom of diabetes? 

Weight loss can be the symptom of type 1 diabetes. In type 1 diabetes our body's immune system doesn't work well. 

In type 1 diabetes, our immune system treats our own body cells as foreign cells and it damages our own body's cells. Like, it starts destroying our fat cells, preserved muscles, bones, and many more so this is the way most of the patient with type 1 diabetes lack strength and suffers from weakness. 

Basically, in layman language, we can also say that in type 1 diabetes "body starts destroying its own cells". Thus, they experience unwanted or unexplained weight loss as well. 

So, if you are also experiencing such then make sure you consult your doctor and seek urgent medical advice before it gets too late. 

I hope, this article was worth reading and if it so then does let us know in the Comment section below and also don't forget to Join our Newsletter through Subscribing

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