Thursday 16 April 2020

All time best and easy smoothie recipe you should try.

Today we will be covering this three points. 

1. How to make 5 wholesome breakfast smoothies? 
2. What is the best way to prepare healthy and tasty smoothie?
3. Great nutritious breakfast ideas!!!

We are again back with yet another informative content to its beautiful viewers.

If you're feeling like, you've got a hectic morning and you would otherwise be skipping breakfast. So, for that purpose, we've got some smoothie recipe ideas for you today. 

See, smoothies are perfect in the summer months but having said that, it doesn't mean that it doesn't go well for other seasons of the year! Instead, they fit absolutely to rest of the seasons as well. So, don't forget it other time of the year.

They're perfect kind for afternoon snacks as well. But also as we said that if you're in a rush, you can just whip it together in a couple of minutes

Take it with you to go. So, today we're gonna be making five different smoothie recipes. It's just a really easy way for us to get in our daily servings of fruits and vegetables.

So, let's get started on making the smoothies! let's first talk about a little bit of prep to begin. We always love to suggest everyone to freeze some bananas and zucchini that we like to use in our smoothies. It makes them really frothy, creamy and really nice cold and the more spotted that the ripe bananas are, the more naturally sweet they're going to be!! 

Take one full banana and then freeze them in a single layer on a plate and get them into the freezer and then when they're fully frozen, transfer them to an airtight container

When you do it like this, it means the bananas and zucchinis aren't gonna stick together when you need it for your recipe

That way you can just grab it and use it instead of needing to pry them apart from each other. The other thing you might want to consider is looking for plant-based milks

As they are fortified with calcium. By just looking at the front or the side of the label, you should be able to see and if you're interested in learning more about why calcium is important for us? 

Then we will, of course, write that article as well on public demand. So, if you all want us to do that then do let us know in the comment section down below.

The first smoothie:

We're gonna make is one my mom used to make for me all the time!! It's a simple five-ingredient incredibly delicious, beautifully vibrant blueberry smoothie.

So, in order to get it prepared, you need to have blender first then we're gonna add two frozen bananas and one cup of frozen blueberries. Two tablespoons of almond or peanut butter

A teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and two cups of a plant-based milk. Here, we use soy milk or you can also use dairy one as well and blend it. Now, watch the vibrant and beautiful purple colour emerge because it's just five ingredients.

This is a smoothie that many of our clients whip together and usually take with whenever they need a quick snack. But if you've got some time, you can turn it into a bowl and top it with a swirl of almond or peanut butter with some chopped up ripe banana. 

A little sprinkle of chia seeds or a sprinkle of coconut flakes maybe some coarsely chopped roasted almonds. If you'd like a little bit of crunch and some fresh blueberries. 

The fruits and nuts have fibre in it and there are fat and protein in the nuts as well and these three things helped us throw our body's digestion of the natural sugars that are in this smoothie.

Next recipe:

Is for chocolate and coffee lovers made wholesome by adding some fruit and veggies in the form of frozen banana and zucchini. 

Trust me, you cannot taste the zucchini in here at all for our recipe. We used a shot of espresso (Espresso is a coffee-making method of Italian origin). But, if you don't have an espresso machine then just use 2 teaspoons of instant coffee. It's also gonna work as well. 

We're then gonna add some roasted cashews to make this smoothie creamy thick and more nutritious. So, we're gonna add about one and a half-frozen bananas to a blender along with half of a cup of frozen zucchini. 

Then as a natural sweetening, we're gonna add three large Medjool dates with the pits removed and then we're gonna add a quarter cup of roasted cashews, half of a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract, a tablespoon of cocoa or cacao powder.

The shot of espresso and one cup of any plant-based or cow milk. Here, you can use cold milk then we're gonna blend it on high until it's creamy and smooth. Then, pour it into a bowl and top it with some granola

If you're feeling in the mood for an extra treat, you can shred a bit of dairy-free dark chocolate on it for some presentation maybe some raspberries and that's it! You've got yourself a snack or a meal in a bowl that's wholesome but yet so indulgent that it feels like a desert.

For the next recipe:

We're making this vibrant pink sunrise smoothie. It's loaded with three types of veggies and three types of fruits. It's rich in "carotenoids" and other antioxidants

So, we're gonna begin by prepping the fruits and veggies peeling off orange coarsely and chopping a carrot as well as add beetroot to a blender, we're then gonna add one cup of frozen strawberries and a half cup of a frozen zucchini. 

The orange, a small beetroot and the carrot as well and a cup of frozen raspberries. We're then gonna add some wholesome fats to this movie by adding half a cup of roasted cashews and one and a half cups of a plant-based or cow milk of your choice. 

Then, we're gonna blend it all up until it's creamy and smooth. The beets make this a beautiful fuchsia colour and I personally love the earthy flavour that it imparts but if you're not a fan of beets, just start with less or leave it out altogether. 

This smoothie is also not all that sweet which our clients prefer but if you want to add some more natural sweetness, just add in some frozen banana or dates and with all of the smoothies that we're sharing today we included at least three of the four food groups to ensure a varied source of nutrients

This smoothie, in particular, is loaded with veggies which is great for kids who love the bright and playful colour but it's a perfect drink for adults too!!

The next smoothie:

Is one that our clients like the most!! Add yogurt for the probiotics for a healthy gut. Microbiome fruits like oranges and frozen berries for the vitamin C and antioxidants. We also suggest you to add a bit of beetroot for the colour. As we also like that earthy flavour. 

You can also add a chunk of ginger for the digestive relief and we also like to add a nut butter for some healthy fats to slow our body's absorption of those sugars. And of course! The plethora of benefits that come from leafy greens like spinach

So, to make this smoothie nice and frosty we're gonna start by adding two frozen bananas to a blender along with an orange, a quarter of a raw beetroot again for colour, one small chunk of ginger, a tablespoon of nut butter. 

Here, we used peanut butter, one large handful of spinach, half of a cup of frozen raspberries or any other berry that you'd like and a quarter cup yogurt

Here, and finally, one cup of milk then blend it on high until it's as creamy as you can make it pour it into a glass or a bowl. And if you'd like, you can top it with some homemade granola.

So, this last recipe:

Is for all the mango lovers. Mangoes are probably one of the most loved fruits among many! So, the smoothie is incredible, it is loaded with yogurt providing us with some beneficial probiotics

It is featuring some ground flax seeds which are a source of omega-3 fatty acids. We are adding some spinach too for all the required fibre, minerals and the other good stuff. 

So through a blender, we're gonna add two cups of frozen mangoes, two cups of fresh spinach, a cup of yogurt of your choice. Here, we used soy, two tablespoons of ground flax seeds and half of a cup of plant-based milk then we're gonna blend it all up. 

This is a thick smoothie. So, you might need to give it a mix with your tamper or stop to scrape down the sides. A couple of times and if you do prefer it a thinner consistency

Just add some more milk. Once it's all blended up, you can take it with you to go or pour it into a bowl and top it with some fresh mango chunks, some Kiwi slices, fresh blueberries, some toasted coconut flakes and finally a sprinkle of hemp seeds.

It is thick, creamy, dense and super nutritious. And there's that little hint and feeling of the tropics with all of those mangoes

Now, even though we've covered five different smoothie recipes in today's post, maybe you're hungry for more such nutritious smoothies and if you are, then do allow us to know in the comment section below.  

Alright, guys! that's pretty much for today before you head out. Do let us know, what's your go-to smoothie recipe??  We are always looking for new ideas and inspiration for making more such informative yet entertaining content. 

So, we'll see you guys in the comments!
Thanks a lot for reading!!  

Team GS Academy

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