Wednesday 15 April 2020

For Men - How to deal with dull and dry hair? | Dandruff and Hair loss solution

For Men - How to deal with dull and dry hair? | Dandruff and Hair loss solution

Well, today's post is probably one of our most requested post of all time so today we gonna teach you, "how to deal with your dull and dry hair" and make it transformed into smooth soft and healthy hair. Keep in mind this will also help you grow your hair faster.

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So, if that's the hair quality you are looking for! Then do follow these ten simple tips and you'll be one step closer to your goal.

Tip number 1; 

Do not shampoo your hair every single day. Look, you can wash your hair every single day if you need to. But that doesn't mean you should always shampoo!! So, this is what we suggest, "shampoo only when you need to" because it can be really harsh on your hair and scalp. As it strip away all the natural oils that you need for healthy and shiny hair.

Especially, if your shampoo is not sulfate free. So, we suggest you to wash your hair four or five times a week but shampoo only twice maybe three times a week. Every other time, just use water and conditioner. Try that and your hair is gonna feel so much healthier especially if you tend to have dry hair.

Tip number 2; 

Don't be aggressive after you get out of the shower, Don't be aggressive on the towel drying! or you're gonna end up losing a lot of hair because hair is extremely fragile and prone to breakage when it's wet. And for that same reason try not to brush your hair when it's wet. As there will be tug and pull and that would be bad. Instead, if you really have to!! You can use a wide tooth comb and this will do the job.

Tip number 3; 

Don't go to bed when your hair is still wet as we end up moving a lot at night and rubbing our heads against the pillow and that would also cause breakage. If you do want to minimize the damage we would suggest you getting a silk pillowcase. It is softer and moreover it won't pull as much hair when you're moving from side to side trying to find the best position to sleep in.

Tip number 4; 

Get some Argan oil(Argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree). And that is something which be added to everyone's hair care routine who looking for some quality hair on their scalp! It makes our hair smell amazing, it makes it soft, shiny and smooth.

So, even when you are traveling, you should bring one of these with yourself. Trust me, you all are gonna get addicted to this product. It really helps if you have a dry scalp. It also helps with dandruff as well.

Tip number 5; 

Beware of heat styling tools and the reason we say that is because high temperature actually weakens the fibers of your hair. Argan oil is actually a really good heat protectant.

Tip number 6;

Avoid dying or bleaching your hair and we say that because it contains chemicals like "ammonia". For example, it that can really damage your hair or even dry your scalp. But then also if you're gonna do it, you can do it but just be careful and follow all of these tips.

Tip number 7; 

Be careful with sun damage. You know, when you go out and you stay under the Sun for a very long time and then your head gets really hot. Well, guess what!! That is not good for your scalp. So, try to stay under the shade for a little while if you know you're gonna be out for a long time. or if you can't find any shade and you're gonna be out for a while. Then, just at least wear hats to protect your hair and your scalp.

Tip number 8; 

 Trim your hair. As what you do, you get it! Similarly, that goes for your hair as well. Your hair is gonna take a lot of damage just from your day to day bad hair care routine. So, at least Get your hair trim in every three months or so respective to your own style and which gives your beautiful face a massive attraction.

Tip number 9; 

Find a good hair mask. This is something that we have started doing to our clients and to ourselves as well lot more recently and the result is extremely favorable and as a result "Hair has never felt better before" Alright!

There's a bunch of different masks you can try but the one we recommend are the "Avocado masks" because they're super natural and extremely healthy. You can also try using "coconut oil masks" which we recommend, once a week because many of our clients tend to have really dry scalp and this really helps them. Basically, just put it on your hair then let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes and then you can wash it off.

Tip number 10; 

It is the easiest one of them all above said tips.
Let your hair breathe once in a while! Don't do anything to it, like no clay, no gel and no more pomade. That way your hair can breathe and you can relax.

Remember, that stress is actually not good for your hair so you don't want to get stressed out and lose all of it. In fact stress is not only bad for hair but it ruin your overall health and fitness aspects. So, try not to have more of it for overall nourishment!

Comment down your every possible queries, we will love to solve all those!!

Team GS Academy.

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  1. This is a very interesting and informative blog. It's really useful blog. I really loved reading your blog. haute her tips for natural fitness face


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