Wednesday 29 April 2020

Alpha ways to have Quality Sleep

How to increase the quality of sleep?

Quality sleep is extremely important and especially when it comes to improving overall health aspects, then it plays an extremely crucial role. When our body sleeps at night, that's the prime time for our body to get it repaired and recovered

All the highly essential hormones also gets secreted at that sleeping period. These hormones are extremely vital for our overall health nourishment.

Does good quality sleep nourishes our body?

It nourishes our skin, hair, nail, and many more such important activities. So, by now you have known the wonderful importance of having a quality sleep in case if you haven't known before.

Serious drawbacks of poor quality sleep.

Well, there are plenty of drawbacks if you aren't having a good quality sleep but here in this post, we'll be discussing 8 utmost important health benefits of having a quality sleep. Along with the few respective drawbacks of not having a sufficient amount of sleep which are highly concerned in scientific perspective as well.

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More things to acquire

Moreover, we will not only be letting you know the health benefits and drawbacks but also we'll be providing you with some easy sleeping tips which will ensure, that you are having a good quality sleep at night.

The link between poor quality sleep with obesity

Poor quality sleep is among the major reason for serious obesity. So, if you are a fat or obese individual and also looking for serious fat loss then you shouldn't be compromising your sleep.

Quality of sleep scale for obesity

If you are someone who is obese, you must take a sleep of at least 8 hours a day and make sure you are having the utmost quality of sleep at night. Do you know, lack of good quality sleep is one of the largest risk factors in obesity? Well, yes it is!!

A short study on "sleep scale" conducted by many of the highly intellectual researchers, in which they found that adults who lack good quality sleep at night are 55% more likely to be obese and even worse than that of children who were actually 89% more likely to be obese if they lack good quality sleep

However, when it was found by the researchers that not getting enough sleep is linked with obesity and lot of fat accumulation in the body, they also found the plenty of health benefits of having a good quality sleep at night and they are listed below;

1. If you are someone who is able to get or getting the proper amount of sleep at night, then it really improves your hormones secretion function in a more efficient manner.

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Ways to reduce "Cortisol"

Having a good quality sleep not only improves various hormones but it also helps in reducing your stress hormone as well which is "Cortisol".

Drawbacks of High Cortisol level

Increased levels of this stress hormone "Cortisol" continuously over the long period of time led to poor skin quality, obesity, and many more such damaging stuffs or other serious health issues.

Quality sleep linked to insulin sensitivity!!

2. Good quality sleep also enhance insulin sensitivity and boosts testosterone in males.
Thus, resulting in overall quality nourishment of health and moreover it will also get you more natural energy.

What else more than a good quality sleep offers you with?

3. Good quality sleep improves the immune system as well!!
Another health benefit of sleep is that it reduces the chances you being sick frequently every now and then.

Results of a recent study on sleep

During a recent study, it was found that the people who slept less than 7 hours are 3 times more favorable to illness than those who were sleeping over eight hours or more. 

Does sleeping improves learning?

Yes, sleeping does improve the learning process.

4. During the study conducted by Swiss University study on learning efficiency, there were two groups introduced to a replacement of language.

One group was allowed to learn at night before they sleep at night and another group was supposed to do the same but during the daytime.

So, it was that those who slept immediately after learning were proved to be an efficient learner and learned the language quicker than those who were the daytime group.

Thus, studying before bed seems to be an intellectual idea! 

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How to tackle depression and anxiety?

5. Good quality sleep also lowers the danger of developing depression and anxiety. During a study of twins, the researchers found that bad sleep increased the genetic risk of developing depression. In fact, 90℅ of the patients who suffer from depression are the one who also lacks good quality sleep.

How to tackle late-night snacks?

6. If you aren't getting enough quality sleep, the fluctuations of various hormones causes greater cravings and worse appetite control. So, if you're someone who's trying to reduce weight but just can't stand back from the late-night snacks then getting into a good quality sleep will surely going to safeguard you.

Good quality sleep linked to improved social cues!!

7. A good quality sleep, helps us empathize or helps us to understand the various social cues and we can have a good conversation with someone who cannot speak, etc as our understanding capacity would widen up if we get enough amount of sleep.

Lack of good quality sleep increases the chances of losing the ability to properly recognizing the expressions of anger and happiness in the faces of others.

Does good quality sleep improves athletic performance?

Yes, it does improve athletic performance!!

8. During a study conducted on basketball players, it was shown an extremely improved performance in all those athletes who took rest at night than to those who doesn't. Their vast difference found in the players in terms of reaction times, speed, and accuracy.

Since we have discussed a pretty good amount of health benefits of sleep. Now, let's talk about the easy sleeping tips to get a good quality sleep at night in case you are struggling with that.

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What are those easy sleeping tips?

Well, here are the five easy sleeping tips that everyone needs to know!!

  • 1. Blackout your sleeping room!!

"Melatonin" which is our sleep hormone. These hormones efficiently raise when we don't get ourselves surrounded by any unnatural lights. Our body gets quality sleep when lights are off in our surroundings.

The street lights, our mobile screen, and every sort of other unnatural lights confuse this hormone "Melatonin" and trick it into thinking that it's still daytime. So, do an entire blackout of your room and you will notice a massive difference in both the quality of your sleep and therefore it increases the ability to urge to sleep.

As we know that computer and phone screens also confuse melatonin. So, if you want to use it or it is extremely important then first do enable that feature which is most commonly known as "nighttime modes". But it would be advisable and good if you don't use all these devices at all before bed.

  • 2. Make a routine for yourself!!

Have a routine for yourself for everything you do as humans are habitual creatures and creating a scientific routine will improve your sleep quality. It is something as simple as brushing your teeth, reading a book for 15 minutes, and immediately getting to bed is a habit you will build to get your sleep almost automatic when there is dark. Thus, it will improve your utmost quality sleep.

  • 3. Use your bed for nothing but sleep!!

Use your bed for nothing but a quality sleep. Do not work or do whatever except sleep. The moment you hit the bed, you would like the body to acknowledge that it is time to fall asleep. So, try not to work on your bed or spend any time when you aren't resting.

  • 4. Use a pillow between your underneath and your legs!!

Doing this will help you to take care of the alignment of your back and improve your posture. Moreover, it'll also help to all those who are suffering from lower back pain. There's no perfect thanks to sleep in case you are struggling with back pain. Somehow, it also helps in maintaining the alignment of your neck and spine.

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  • 5. Napping!!

Napping is really a great thing. A short 20 to 30-minute nap lowers "cortisol" levels and is extremely healthy for the body. Napping periods are extremely determined by different individuals lifestyle pattern and their own body type.

You are required to observe your body response to any changes you made and then according to that observed response, modify your lifestyle for overall well-being aspects. Always remember, we can only get you general ideas of well being and many more such good stuffs. But you are absolutely free to modify that idea according to your ease of convenience.

I hope, it will surely going to help you and if it is.
Then do allow us to know in the comment section down below!!

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