Sunday 26 April 2020

Alpha ways to gain Incredible Strength

How to increase strength in most of the heavy lifts or exercises?

Well, if that is your question then it seems that you are a kind of individual who is extremely serious and concerned about weight lifting and probably you are in love with this beautiful sport. So, we all lifters know about the significant importance of having a quality strength. It just makes our training more interesting and helps to increase the performance.

Usually, most of the trainers suggest focusing on the various heavy compound lifts like Squats, Deadlift, etc, when it comes to increasing strength which is absolutely correct up to some extent.

So, I m not gonna suggest the same as many do!! I'll be talking about most of the basics movements which is an extremely useful but yet highly neglected area and when it comes to increasing your strength, these little basic moments yet very powerful, do play a very crucial role.

So, are you all ready to get yourself more updated?
Well, I hope you are!!
I firmly believe that you've got more strength than you ever thought!! But the problem is, you're not looking in the appropriate places to address it.

What are those overlooked areas? Or 

What are those appropriate places?

I'm going to show you 10 different ways in the form of 10 different exercises to hit all those neglected areas. These are so basic movements or exercises that it won't make you feel that "You are doing any kind of extra exercise or you need to reschedule your workout plan"

You can easily address all those neglected areas with minimal efforts with little modification in your existing workout that you might be performing on a regular basis.  

We're talking about the three crucial areas when it comes to increasing strength and they are as follows;

1. Hands
2. Wrists
3. Forearms

See, if you have any weaknesses in any of those above-mentioned areas then surely your heavy or compound lifts are going to suffer. Think about it; trying to get under a bench press and lift heavy to increase the efficiency but your wrists lack strength and are extremely weak, or you trying to execute a deadlift if you have no gripping strength.

It doesn't matter, how strong your legs are!!, or how strong your pull might be!! but if you can't hold onto the bar, you can't lift that heavyweights. So, today we'll be talking about all these neglected areas and will discover a lot of interesting ways to make all of those strong

As I said, different areas that will allow you to perform these exercises so that it won't make you feel like as a "Separate workout".  One of the most common or most basic exercises that you will perform in a chest workout is a Pushup.

I don't know, if it is done as a primary exercise, or if it is done as a follow-up exercise to your primary exercises as it varies according to individual to individual. Usually, pushup makes your pectolaris (Chest muscle) activated but now you will use this exercise as a tool to start working on your weakness.

1.KNUCKLE PUSHUP (For wrist weakness)

If your weakness is more in your wrist then you must perform a knuckle pushup. This is one of the best exercise you can do to strengthen your wrist. Basically, you are required to get your wrists in a neutral position. In other words, keep the wrists locked out as if you are going to punch anyone and perform the pushup which is most commonly known as Knuckle pushups.

It would be better if you don't flex or extent your wrists to any given direction. Try to keep it locked out by resting on the top of your knuckles and perform your pushups rather than on your hands or palm.


What if you lack finger strength?

2.FINGER PUSHUPS (Finger Strength)

If you're trying to work more in your grip strength. Then try making the habit of performing pushups on your fingers which is known as fingertip pushup.  Again, it's just changing the way of doing the exercise. Don't worry!! "You're still going to work on your chest" followed by quality additional benefits.

You're still going to do the exercise as you normally do, but you're getting this added benefit of doing this now in this version which will help you in a longer run. 

3.DEAD ARM HANG (Forearm & Hand Strength)

The next one is a very interesting and effective way to start adding some more work on your hand, wrist, and forearm through your back workouts.  Now again you'll be performing another most basic and common exercise that is Pull-ups. All you need to do is, take this exercise and make a slight change into it.

Let's suppose, you're working on your pull-ups which you should be in any of your back workout. So, as you approach failure or you get to your last rep and you are about to stop the exercise, work on that forearm and hand strength

Hang from the bar. Do not leave that bar!! And that's what we call a "Dead Arm Hang". This will start burning through your forearms, through your fingers, it will also going to test your mental strength and toughness. That's great!! If can do it consistently. These might sound silly to some peoples but honestly speaking, it will strengthen your crucial areas to the whole new next level. These can benefit you a lot as you're trying to get stronger

A strong mindset is just as important as stronger muscles. But try to hang from the pullup bar as long as you can until you have to drop. It's just a slight little trick on an already existing exercise that you should be doing in your back workouts. 

Next one is your Biceps!!

4.BICEP CURL(For Strong Forearms)

We all know that when we train our biceps, our forearms also gets activated too. But there's a really simple way to hit the brachioradialis (it is one of the biggest muscle groups in your forearms).  Again, we'll be taking an existing exercise and get it modified enough to deliver you the additional maximum benefits out of it. The exercise is the bicep curl.

What actually to do and modify into "Bicep Curl"?

You are required to just flip your grip. Turn it to an overhand position, into a reverse curl. When you turn your grip over, it makes your exercise more challenging and thus, makes your forearms more strong.  You can just add a couple of extra sets to the end of your workout and hit that area adequately to start making a great impact

If you're a smart individual, you probably have to know the wonderful impacts of conditioning work in combination with the top level of strength training.


One of my favorite, all-time conditioning exercises is a jump rope for plenty of reasons. One, we can get our heart rate up very quickly which improves our cardiac health in a more efficient manner and also we can burn a lot of calories, we can become more athletic through doing it, and also, we get a heavy forearm work as well which will get our forearms more strong

You see, when you jump rope, you have to work on your wrists as well. As a matter of fact, the majority of this skill is how quickly and how coordinated you can be with your wrist rotations.

You're actually getting your forearm supination and pronation by just getting some of that general motion through your wrists and it's definitely going to help improve your endurance of these musclesThat will pay off as you start doing more of your heavy lifting. 


Of course, all this applies to your abs training as well!! There are so many different exercise options. The first one would be a plank. Don't just do a regular plank, especially if it's not even that hard for you.

Increase the difficulty level of the exercise. Here, while performing plank you are required to make a slight change into it. You need to do plank but here you need to hold your body through your fingers so that you can get more benefit for your abs, but at the same time, it places a lot of strain and work on your hand strength and the flexors of your fingers.

Try to stay in that(already said modified plank version) position while you do the plank. Again, it's a kind of movement like "Buy One Get One Free" simply an exercise that can target two aims while performing a single already existing exercise that is "Plank" but here, we have just modified it.


It is extremely useful for better abs and hamstrings at the same time. If you want to work more on those weak wrists of yours, then we have got you one more option where you can keep your hands in a neutral position. Your wrists in that neutral position, your knuckles should be down, and try to do seated tuck holdMake a "Knuckle" same as we do in Knuckle pushup. 

This is an incredibly tough ab exercise, but at the same time, you're getting the benefit to your wrists through getting that extra added wrist work that you wouldn't have to really schedule out or take out a separate time for it.

We all know, when we're busy, we're going to forget this crucial part and you're going to work on the abs and you're not going to work on your wrists or hamstrings but applying all the above-mentioned tips and tricks will surely not gonna let you forget this crucial part. 

It is extremely important for the overall goal development that we're trying to have here of increasing our strength to whole new next level. 


Now, let's get back to the workouts again. Tricep pushdowns. Again, very common exercise. I'm trying to keep it as simple as possible for you guys that you shouldn't have to start figuring out how you're going to do or implement all these. This is an exercise (Tricep pushdowns) you all probably be already doing it but with this master trick, you achieve exponential growth in terms of your strength and performance.

So, on a tricep pushdown, instead of going straight down and ending it at the bottom of that rep, try to go for that little, additional wrist curl to get those forearm flexors working.  So again, push down at the very bottom against your resistance and now you're required to do a little bit of a wrist curl. You're just going to work that underside at the bottom of the forearm. 

So what if,

You want to work on the opposite side, the "extensors"?

Well, no problem!!
A lot of times you do a reverse grip push down to hit your triceps in a slightly different angle or in a slightly different way. We could do the same thing here as well. Do the underhand version of the tricep pushdown. At the very bottom, extend those wrists down.  Now, when you perform this exercise in this manner, you'll be getting that extra, added work in.

That's the importance here of this entire post. That extra added work without a lot of extra added effort, or without taking out an extra time out of your day to do it. 


Now, let's move to your shoulders. Again, another common exercise that is " Lateral raises" again we gonna make some slight change in it to start accumulating some more added volume.  This time, all you need to do is set your wrists into slight extension. That's it!!

So, when you're doing your side lateral raises, or you're doing a bent-over raise, you're required to just increase the activation of your forearm extensors, get more strength in there, build more endurance in your forearm extensors.

Get a stronger grip. You will get that stronger grip by just changing the way you do the exercise.
Basically, I'm talking about continuing to have your thumbs raised higher than your pinkies at the top while performing your lateral raises. That's what you need to build more of that forearm strength.

Last, but not least!!


Its time to talk about your heavy compound lifts!! If you're deadlifting, try to do deadlifts without straps. I know, it might get shocked to some individuals, especially for those who have started out deadlifting with straps from their very initial years of the beginning of weight training journey. 

Before you even try to lift the bar, you wrap straps all around it. 

How about you do something different

Start building the habit of deadlifting without straps so that you can build your own ability to hold that bar as you get stronger. Now, when you'll do that, you're forcing your hands and your forearms to become stronger as your legs become stronger and as a result, your ability to do that exercise becomes better. 

That is one of the best ways for you to increase the strength naturally.

Now, many of those who have personal trainers with them, they usually don't wrack or unrack their own weights i.e. Dumbbells, plates, etc. But if you want your forearms, hand and fingers to get more strong, try doing these all by yourself. It is actually extra work that you can do to strengthen your crucial areas which are highly neglected.

"Doing this little thing with a combination of all the above-mentioned tips and tricks, will surely gonna take your strength to whole new different next level." 

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