Thursday 23 April 2020

Truth of True Love - Buddha Teaching

What is Real Love? 
Buddha Teachings.

Nowadays, it seems humanity and pure love to be getting extinct dramatically. Thus, as a result it reflects on the behavior pattern of different individuals in the form of always being irritated, angry, and many more such hatred or negative activities.

We humans always expect being treated well from other individuals with the sprinkle of love but never wants to do the same with other individuals.

Sometimes, we get in love and considered our love to be pure but somehow it proves to be wrong.

"Reason, why your love doesn't last long?"
"How love turns into extreme hatred?"

The reason behind why love doesn't last long nowadays is because as soon as you start loving any person than on the return you start expecting that individual to love you the same you do which is absolutely perfect.

And that feeling is natural but somehow we fail to control our emotions and therefore feeling of hate and all the negative get birth.
Actually, believe it or not, but nowadays we love also in order to satisfy our own want and desire (it could be anything)

So, through a very beautiful story, we will get ourselves into the deep and practical life talks.
In which "Buddha" gets us mentoring!!

Without delaying too much, let's get started!!

One day, after Buddha passed away. There
was a king named Usika. He was extremely
kind and his government ruling was extremely
compassionate. He had a son with eyes as
beautiful as the Kunala(an Indian bird famous for its beautiful eye). Because the King liked this kind of bird he named his son Kunala.

When Prince Kunala grew up, he was very
handsome. His conduct was proper and he
was very kind.

"Buddhist lessons about True Love!!"

King Usila was a devoted Buddhist.
One day, the King get his son
to the temple and asked a monk
named Yasa about the Buddhist teachings.

The Yasa looked at the young prince and
said, "Human life is impermanent". A body
goes through different stages like birth, aging, illness, and death.

"Human life is filled with impurity!!"

Who can have the beauty of youth forever?

Well, all these are "illusions" as no one can have the beauty of youth forever.

In the same way, although the
prince eyes seem to be beautiful but they are
actually full of filth and the source of

"What makes the Prince puzzled?"

The prince was quite puzzled because
everyone always praised him for his
beautiful eyes but only the monk was the first who said that they were dirty and the source
of trouble.

These words kept rolling around in his brain.
There were many concubines in the king's

The lady who used to love prince Kunala?

There was one young lady who was extremely attracted by Kunala's good looks.

One day, she saw him sitting alone in the garden, she started to fondle him and started trying to seduce him but the prince was a righteous person and could not agree to such behaviors.

He pulled himself together and freed himself from her unwanted attention.

Later, when the young prince
was old enough to marry, King Usika
found him a wife.

What did the concubine(the lady who was attracted by Kunala's look) do when she saw her lover getting married?

When the concubine saw the lover of her dreams getting married to someone else,
she became intensely jealous and her
love turned into hatred.

Not long after the marriage, the king
became sick and the young concubine
looked after him carefully until he

The king Kunala was extremely grateful for her extreme care and said her, "because you took care of me for such a long period, I will give you anything you desire for" and she said "I just
want to rule the country for 7 days".

The King thought to himself that since
he had promised, he couldn't go back on
his word besides it was only for 7
days so he agreed.

When she was on the throne,
the young lady wrote a letter filled
with both love and hate and sent it to
Prince Kamala.

"What was written in the letter by the young lady?"

She wrote that her fury would only be bestilled if she never happen to see his eyes again.

"Realisation of Monks words, all alone."

Now, the Prince finally realized that
what the monk had meant but it was too
The lady's word was like the king's
command and it couldn't be disobeyed.

Kunala reluctantly gouged out one eye and held it in his hand. "It is so disgusting" he
suddenly realized.

"Why would such a filthy little thing be praised by so many people and bring so much trouble?"

"Is that was a Revenge or a Love?"

Since, she wants both eyes the king took out
the other one as well!! and when both eyes
were gone, everything before him was in
total darkness but his mind was suddenly
filled with light. He felt the peace that
comes from spiritual enlightenment.

When his wife heard the news, she ran to the
blind Prince and started crying but the prince was calm and consoled her with the Buddhist teachings.

"Human life is impermanent, so don't harbor hatred or Worry, because hatred and worry are your greatest enemies".

At that time a bodyguard warned
the prince, "Your highness, if you stay in
the palace, I'm afraid that your life
will be in danger".

As the prince was already aware of this and since he didn't want the court lady to continue
making bad karma for herself by doing
something even worse.

He and his wife fled the palace. They learned to play the lute and to sing and they wandered from
town to town making music in the streets.

People would throw them a few coins and
in this way the prince and his wife were
able to feed themselves.

A few years later, they happened to come back to the capital and one day while they were
wandering into the streets alongside the
Palace and started to sing. King Usika
heard the beautiful but mournful songs!!

He thought of his son who had suddenly
disappeared years before. He told his
attendants to invite the musicians to
enter the palace.

When the King saw the lute player, he realized that it was indeed the son that he had been thinking of day and night.

When he saw how Prince Kunala had
fallen from his royal life and was now
only a blind lute player singing on the
streets for a living.

"Is hurting someone in love is true love?"

The king was very distressed and he asked the prince "who did this to you"?
"who made you lose your sight"?

But the Prince Kunala refused to talk about it.
He just told his father about the truths, that he had learned hoping his father would calm down.

At last, the ministers and the guards
couldn't endure it anymore and reported
the truth to the king.

He was furious and wanted to execute that concubine but the prince begged his father to forgive her.

The King was touched by Prince Kunala's
compassion and released the young
concubine. However, in her own conscience

  1. she was ashamed of herself and finally
committed suicide because of her impure
love she had created trouble and hatred.

"Does looking good matters in True Love?"

Hurt other people and destroyed herself
was it all worth it. You saw in our life, the
truth is not only in good looks but it
is in a pure heart and pure mind.

There can behold and real love should never be destroying love and jealousy can never be 
together with real and true love.

All-forgiving love is the true love. But the
one which breaks, destroys, and hurts
other people is not loved. It is something

Sometimes, everything in life can be
an illusion. So, don't waste your time by
hurting other people or thinking thoughts 
or doing deeds that are no good
to anyone.

Use your time wisely and be a good and highly productive person.

I hope, it had added some real and pure values in everyone's life and if it is so then do let us know in the comment section below!!

Team GS Academy

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